Top 10

ways to fight Human Trafficking

Once you hear about human trafficking, child sex trafficking, or any of the other brutal crimes against our children most people respond in two different ways. They turn off emotions and pretend they never knew about such things, shoving it down deep. Cause seriously, what can they actually do about it? The other response is a call to action. They want- desire -need to do something. This page is for you! The people who want to do something- anything to make it stop. Read my book Battle Cry! You can buy a nice copy HERE or download the FREE copy HERE. Read it, take notes, fill out the workbook. When your done you will have a PLAN on HOW you can stop human trafficking. Want the quick notes? Here you go! Top 10 ways you can fight human trafficking. Share give, tell it, call me to speak on it!

Click here to download the PDF

If there is only ONE thing you do– let it be this! Save the hotline number in your phone and share it with as many peopIlnesipdoestshibe lIes.sue

Call: 1-888-373-7888 Text: 233733

If you see anything call the number and report it.

Be an aware citizen and learn the indicators of human trafficking. There are signs that you can look for to identify possible trafficking situations.

Check out my book for pages of indicators!

Knowledge is Power! Start to devour as much information as possible on human trafficking. Read- Watch movies- Research online Become an expert!

Now that you have all this knowledge and awareness it’s time to share it! Host a Party- I call them -bash slavery. Have friends over to watch a movie, review a book or listen to a guest speaker. Already having a party? Have them stay late or come early to hear about HT

Find a local organization that is making an impact in your community and get involved. Help them with their next fundraiser. Or you can start a blog, or podcast, to highlight your favorite abolitionists. OR

Go Intl. + Join an impact trip.

Many items we buy today were made by slaves. Be an aware consumer. Websites like help you know how many slaves work for you. Look for labels that say they have fair practices. Buy items made from survivors as gifts. Just say NO to fast fashion!

Write your local politicians and explain to them the severity of HT. Tell them that you are passionate about this subject and would like to see them doing more.

Contact your Mayor+chamber- Voice your Opinions

Without a demand, their would be no need for supply. If you have a sexual addiction get help. Stop buying porn, escorts, going to massage parlors, and the like.

Teach your young men how to treat women.

Pray for those trapped in slavery, pray for the abolitionist + organizations fighting.
Practice gratitude- Thank God for retrieving so many survivors to freedom. Have a thankful heart and focus on all the good that is being done.

With a grateful heart and a smart mind! Research the organization and see how they are spending the money and implementing their mission. Then give freely!

Amanda Foltz Author+Speaker Empowering YOU to answer the call of arms against human
